Skin-to-Skin Care for Post-Surgical Infants
Medicine maryb Medicine maryb

Skin-to-Skin Care for Post-Surgical Infants

Multiple barriers prevent routine skin-to-skin care for infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), particularly for infants requiring surgical consultation. Now, a quality improvement project at Nationwide Children's Hospital shows that routine skin-to-skin care is possible for infants in the NICU who have had surgery.

Read the whole story: Skin-to-Skin Care Safe for Infants After Surgery.

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Weird Ways Animal Moms Feed Their Babies

Weird Ways Animal Moms Feed Their Babies

Any human mom can attest that keeping a baby fed and happy can be a Herculean task. That’s why some animal mothers have evolved some truly creative—and sometimes surprising—strategies. These include regurgitating nectar, sequestering toxins, and even self-sacrifice.

Read my latest for National Geographic's Weird & Wild news: Bats Regurgitate Nectar for Their Babies -- A New Discovery.

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