Creative Canines
Mary Bates Mary Bates

Creative Canines

Dogs possess the ability to be creative, according to a new study. Pet dogs performed similarly to dolphins when asked to creatively come up with a new behavior, adding to the growing literature on dog

Read more at my Animal Minds blog: Dogs Demonstrate Creativity, Too.

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Interspecies Cooperation
Mary Bates Mary Bates

Interspecies Cooperation

For more than 100 years, bottlenose dolphins have cooperated with artisanal net-casting fishers in Laguna, Brazil, to catch migratory fish called mullet. In a new study, scientists investigated the mechanisms that allow this mutually beneficial relationship to exist and asked whether it can persist in the face of current and predicted environmental and cultural changes.

Read the whole story at my Animal Minds blog: Dolphins and Humans Partner to Catch Fish.

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The New Cancer Moonshot
Mary Bates Mary Bates

The New Cancer Moonshot

In February 2022, President Biden announced new Cancer Moonshot goals: reducing cancer mortality by 50% in the next 25 years and improving the lives of people with cancer and cancer survivors. This next phase emphasizes steps Americans themselves can take, such as resuming cancer screenings missed during the pandemic and participating in research. Another priority is supporting diversity at all levels of cancer research and care to help ensure better outcomes for all Americans.

Read more about the new Cancer Moonshot at IEEE Pulse: The Cancer Moonshot Enters a New Phase.

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Marmoset Turn-Taking
Mary Bates Mary Bates

Marmoset Turn-Taking

Marmoset pairs take turns watching for danger and feeding head-down in a bowl. Their vigilance appears to be flexibly adapted to the risk level of their pair mate - does it indicate a sensitivity to the vulnerabilities and needs of others?

Read more at my Animal Minds blog: Marmosets Take Turns Watching for Danger.

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