Birds Hiss Like Snakes to Protect Nests
Animals, Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Nature Mary Bates Animals, Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Nature Mary Bates

Birds Hiss Like Snakes to Protect Nests

Certain cavity-nesting birds emit a surprising hiss-like vocalization to deter predators and repel competitors from trying to occupy the same nesting cavity. It’s been hypothesized that that this hiss mimics a snake hiss – but is it a case of mimicry or evidence of widespread fear of hisses?

Read my latest Animal Minds post: Birds Hiss Like Snakes to Protect Nests.

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Weird Ways Animal Moms Feed Their Babies

Weird Ways Animal Moms Feed Their Babies

Any human mom can attest that keeping a baby fed and happy can be a Herculean task. That’s why some animal mothers have evolved some truly creative—and sometimes surprising—strategies. These include regurgitating nectar, sequestering toxins, and even self-sacrifice.

Read my latest for National Geographic's Weird & Wild news: Bats Regurgitate Nectar for Their Babies -- A New Discovery.

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