The Sharks That Hunt in Packs
At the southern end of Fakarava Atoll, a reserve in French Polynesia, is a narrow channel connecting the lagoon to the ocean. It is the hunting grounds of up to 900 reef sharks, including grey reef, whitetip reef, silvertip, and blacktip reef sharks.
Researchers studying this nearly pristine ecosystem recently documented a new phenomenon during their nighttime dives: The sharks hunt in packs.
Read the whole story at my Animal Minds blog: The Sharks That Hunt in Packs.

Bats Provide Pest Control Services to Deer
There are a dozen or so species of blood-sucking flies that plaguewhite-tailed deer. There is little a deer can do to defend themselvesfrom these biting fly attacks.
But what is a painful nuisance to a deer is also a dinner buffet for bats. In a new study, researchers report numerous instances of insect-eating bats feeding on the swarms of flies attracted to white-tailed deer.
Read my post about it here: Bats Provide Pest Control Services to Deer