Media Coverage of :  Bates, M. E., Simmons, J. A. and Zorikov, T. V. (2011). Bats use echo harmonic structure to distinguish their targets from background clutter. Science, 333: 627 –630.

Media Coverage of: Bates, M. E. and Simmons, J. A. (2011). Perception of echo delay is disrupted by small temporal misalignment of echo harmonics in bat sonar. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214: 394-401.

  • Inside Journal of Experimental Biology (pdf or link)

 Media Coverage of: Hiryu, S., Bates, M. E., Simmons, J.A. and Riquimaroux, H. (2010). FM echolocating bats shift frequencies to avoid broadcast-echo ambiguity in clutter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107: 7048-7053.

 Media Coverage of: Simmons, A. M., Simmons, J. A., & Bates, M. E. (2008). Analyzing acoustic interactions in natural bullfrog choruses. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 122: 274-282.